Rendever Blog

Community Engagement: The Heart of Delivering Rendever’s Mission

At Rendever, community engagement is at the heart of our approach to overcoming social isolation through the power of virtual reality and shared experiences. Without the frontline staff and caregivers who facilitate Rendever sessions, we wouldn’t be able to deliver the magical moments that participants experience every day. Our goal is to become a trusted team member that our clients don’t hesitate to reach out anytime they have questions, suggestions, or need support. 

Our dedicated Community Engagement team takes accountability for the successful deployment and adoption of Rendever with every organization that joins our family. We understand that bringing a new technology like Rendever to your community is a significant commitment – not only financially, but also in terms of training, scheduling, staff buy-in, and more. The level of support that we offer to ensure that every stakeholder is educated, trained, and empowered to use Rendever comfortably (and often!) is something we take immense pride in. 

From the moment a new client signs on, we work hand in hand to customize a structured 90-day onboarding plan. We take a proactive approach to support, so even after that initial onboarding period is completed, communities hear from our team on a regular basis. Thanks to robust back end analytics, our Community Engagement professionals can identify trends, opportunities for improved usage, and offer customized suggestions based on past use. 

Personalized, specific, and built for success

Rendever gives older adults a window to the parts of the world that they are missing. However, looking out that window is only compelling if the view reflects the interest of your residents. So, before we deploy a system to any of our partners the Community Engagement Team connects with each new community on a success call to learn about the specific needs and interests of residents, as well as the circumstances of each Activity Director who is going to be delivering Rendever. 

Following that call, we set up a thorough onboarding session to walk each new partner through the ins-and-outs of our platform. This call ultimately empowers community staff to deliver the most meaningful experiences possible. Next, we move on to our training calls, which are efficient and productive because they build on the lessons learned from our success call, taking full advantage of what we’ve been able to glean about a community and implementing those details into the training sessions. Rendever can be used in so many ways (activity guides, games, video experiences, interactive applications, etc.), so we need to take the time to understand how it will be deployed in each community in order to recommend the most effective approach. 

Through this process of engagement and training, our team ensures much more than a simple deployment of new technology to communities. Instead, we are able to work collectively with our partners towards something far more meaningful and impactful – the adoption of Rendever within a community.

“One of the most rewarding aspects of our approach is how hard we work to identify the most effective way for Rendever to be delivered within each community. You see, a one-size fits all approach would never work. Every single Rendever community is different, so we need to be focused on learning about each of our partners, and providing recommendations on how they can best deliver Rendever at the point of care. If we do that well, it’s pretty close to a guarantee we’re going to have a very positive impact.”

David Stoller, Director of Community Engagement

Working Together For Your Residents

We know that in each community it’s not just about the beds that are filled, it’s also about the atmosphere that can be created for residents. With Rendever, we aim to enhance that living environment and make it better. However, that doesn’t happen overnight – it takes support, working together, and staying connected. 

With that in mind, our Community Engagement Team does much more than welcome new communities to our family, we also help our partners find new and engaging ways to bring residents together for shared experiences and social connections. To that end, we offer a multitude of experiences that take aim at checking off bucket list items for residents. Our 0-90 day plan ensures each community has a weekly, and fully outlined, plan to deliver Rendever over a 90-day period. At the same time, our RendeverLive™ schedule provides live sessions for all residents to participate in two times each week. These events build resident connections within a community, socialization between communities across North America, and invite residents to return week after week.

Our focus is on being a figurative part of the activity staff we support and making sure that we always work towards the adoption of Rendever within each community. Internally we like to say that the Community Engagement Team is the heart of Rendever because they pump the ideas, suggestions, and support to all our community members. It is this group that ensures all our partners are getting the most out of their Rendever system. 

The Community Engagement Mission

Our goal is to have each community member feel like they are the only community member with Rendever, and that means a heavy focus on customer service, support, and collaboration. We regularly find ourselves on the phone with communities after regular business hours and on weekends because when they work, we work; when they deliver Rendever, we deliver Rendever.

It boils down to the fact that we do not want to be seen as a technology provider, we want to be known as a technology partner. We work tirelessly to find the most effective way to offer Rendever within each unique community, and we always do so with the goal to overcome social isolation through the power of virtual reality and shared experiences.

To meet our Community Engagement Team, email us at!

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